High School Love Switch Review

Update: Scroll to the bottom to read the owner of aldora games threatening to sue me over my editorial, ignoring that fact I liked High School Love.

I came into High School Love expecting to torch it. This is an another Aldora Games title, meaning it is dog crap… right? It has to be terrible, in no way could this ever be good! Well, shockingly, High School Love is Aldora Games trying, moving forward. The writing is actually decent for what it is, and while the art is AI, there’s more of it, meaning they’ll actually show scenes. The story revolves around a high school girl named Lana who falls for a boy named Leo, and there are naturally romantic rivalries present.

High School Love Switch Review
Holy crap, actual character development!

Chapter 1 is the initial meeting of Lana and Leo. Remember in other Aldora games they’d rush through important scenes in five seconds, not in High School Love. The story lingers in this scene, giving you a sense of both characters. Lana is a bookworm who uses stories to escape, Leo is a musician who loses himself in the music. While the writing is telling more than showing here, the writer really tries to drive the connection home, and it kind of works.

High School Love Switch Review
This is more than other Aldora titles will give you!

If you expected me to sit through High School Love, I didn’t, Chapter 1 is all I read. But if the writing stays consistent, then High School Love is a sappy high school romance story that may find a fan or two. Now, I’m under no illusions that Aldora has completely turned a corner, you couldn’t pay me to review the Bimfi tiles, where the kid named Bimfi goes through time to various places. Judging by the marketing screenshots, it is still the same old crap Aldora produces.

High School Love Switch Review
Exposition much?

Still, High School Love is better than the rest. Maybe somebody on the team actually knows how to write. Now if Aldora could slow down and write as well as this for every story, that’d be great. But I’m not holding my breath. High School Love gets a Recommended with a seven back-end score.

Overall: Considering Aldora Game’s usual output, High School Love is actually pretty good for what it is, showing they can succeed if they try.

Verdict: Recommended

eShop Page

Release Date 12/23/24
Cost $4.90
Publisher Aldora Games
ESRB Rating T

Update: So I emailed Aldora Games this review, plus the editorial. And the owner threatens to sue me, and I call his bluff. I will update here if things continue(doubt they will).

High School Love Switch Review

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