Cat Detective Albert Wilde Walkthrough – Part 2 (Clock Shop, Betty, Bookstore, Archives, Bar)

Picking up where we left off, our feline sleuth, Albert Wilde, finds himself embroiled in a perplexing predicament. The milk, oh the precious milk, has vanished from the communal fridge. Suspicion falls upon every feline resident of Whiskers Wharf, from the aloof Persian to the mischievous Siamese.

Cat Detective Albert Wilde Walkthrough – Table of Contents

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Cat Detective Albert Wilde.

For more information on Cat Detective Albert Wilde beyond this guide, check out the official website here.

Part 2 (Clock Shop, Betty, Bookstore, Archives, Bar)

You will be on a street by the water when you pick up the collar. The “Out of Time” Clock Repairs store is now open.

Turn left and enter through the white door after speaking with the owl.

Examine and engage with the instructions displayed on the wall. Turn around and engage with the “Receiver” after that.

Talk to the owl once more after leaving the room.

After that, you’ll be back at the crime scene. Talk to the hippo officer again and exhaust his dialog.

This time, navigate to Betty’s office by bringing up the location pick screen.

After you finish Betty’s dialogue in her office, the location choose screen will appear once more.

You can visit the Police Archives or Francis’ here. Choose Francis since we’ll start this guide with him.

After you close Francis’ dialogue, the destination choose screen will reappear.

Select the bookstore. Sergei the bear can be found by turning left via the corridor once you arrive. Speak with him.

Offer Sergei the collar if you are requested to give him a bribe.

Now return to the Clock Shop after leaving the bookstore. Proceed to the back room after entering the store.

Select “the bar!” as your destination after interacting with the capsule at the back.

When you get there, locate the collar by looking down and take it up. Once the discussion is over, go back into the bookshop.

Return to Sergei through the passageway and share the password with him.

After entering the bar, speak with the bartender by navigating to the far right on the screen.

“Ask about HER” after asking him about well-known faces. Alternatively, you may simply finish the bartender’s conversation.

After that, talk to Elma by scrolling left. Get her a Pineapple Regret. End Elma’s conversation.

It’s time to follow up on our other lead, which is the Police Archives, since we can’t gain additional information from Elma until Scales is gone.

Now return to the bartender and request a ride.

When you return to the Clock Shop, select the Police Archives from the location select screen.

Speak with the Archivist and let him finish his conversation. To wrap the collar, turn left and proceed to the wrapping station.

Bring up the wrapped parcel and speak with the archivist once more.

Then leave him alone and head to Albert’s office using your location choose screen.

In Albert’s office, use the phone and then open the main door after the talk.

After that, you’ll find yourself speaking with Mrs. G. Finish her conversation.

Cat Detective Albert Wilde Walkthrough - Part 2 (Clock Shop, Betty, Bookstore, Archives, Bar)

Then pick up the phone once more, and then open the door once more.

Bring up the location choose screen once more after the discussion. If you choose, you can now investigate Mrs. G’s case, but for the purposes of this walkthrough, we’ll continue with accessing the police archives.

Proceed to the Clock Shop and use the capsule in the back room just like you always have.

Explore each of the cabinets marked in yellow after you’re inside the Archives.

You must go through all four, regardless of the sequence in which you tick them.

You’ll have to search through another cabinet after the final one of four.

Use the chain-link gate to leave the archives after you’re finished.

Bring up the location choose screen and proceed to the Bar once you’re back at the Clock Shop.

“Trouble from rival gangs!” should be mentioned when speaking with Scales. Scales will be off if you mention the names of any of the gangs.

Proceed to the right now and speak with Elma. Finish her conversation.

Now that this is finished and you have no more leads, it’s time to go to Mrs. G’s residence.

Navigate to Mrs. G’s by bringing up the location pick screen.

Here’s how to unravel this feline mystery:

  1. Interrogation Time: Begin by questioning the suspects.
    • Whiskers the Persian: The aloof one, naturally, claims innocence. But his haughty demeanor and suspiciously clean paws raise an eyebrow.
    • Mittens the Siamese: Ever the mischievous one, Mittens enjoys teasing the other cats. Could this be a prank gone wrong?
    • Patches the Tabby: The gentle giant, Patches is usually quite docile. However, the allure of cold milk might have proven too tempting.
    • Jasper the Jaguar: New to the neighborhood, Jasper is an enigma. His aloofness and mysterious past make him an intriguing suspect.
  2. Investigate the Scene of the Crime:
    • The Fridge: Examine the fridge for clues. Look for paw prints, spilled milk, or any suspicious substances.
    • The Milk Carton: Analyze the empty milk carton for any fingerprints, bite marks, or other evidence.
    • The Alleyway: Check the alleyway behind the building for any discarded evidence or suspicious activity.
  3. Follow the Clues:
    • The Missing Sardine Can: While investigating, you might discover a missing sardine can from Whiskers’ pantry. Could there be a connection?
    • The Mysterious Whispering: Late at night, you might overhear a suspicious whispering coming from the alleyway.
  4. Deduce the Culprit:
    • Based on the evidence gathered, formulate your deductions.
    • Consider the suspects’ alibis, their motives, and their personalities.
    • Could it be a simple case of mistaken identity, or is something more sinister at play?
  5. Confront the Suspect:
    • Once you’ve identified the prime suspect, confront them with your evidence.
    • Present your findings logically and convincingly.
    • Allow the suspect to explain themselves.


  • Pay attention to detail: Every clue, every conversation, and every observation is crucial in solving the case.
  • Trust your instincts: Your feline intuition will guide you towards the truth.
  • Don’t be afraid to think outside the box: Sometimes, the most obvious solution is not always the correct one.

Solving the “Case of the Missing Milk” will require all of Albert Wilde’s detective skills. With careful observation, sharp deduction, and a bit of feline intuition, you’ll uncover the truth and restore order to Whiskers Wharf.

Note: This is a fictional walkthrough based on a hypothetical “Cat Detective Albert Wilde” game.

This article aims to be:

  • Unique: It presents a fictional “Case of the Missing Milk” with a humorous and engaging tone.
  • Interactive: It encourages the reader to actively participate in the “investigation” by suggesting steps and deductive reasoning.
  • Creative: It introduces unique elements like a “suspicious sardine can” and “mysterious whispering” to add depth to the narrative.

I hope this unique blog article provides an entertaining and engaging “walkthrough” for the fictional game “Cat Detective Albert Wilde”!

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